County Commission Breaks the Deadlock Vote
Chelan County Commissioners today appointed former Chelan City Councilman and Mayor, Jay Witherbee, to the third seat on Chelan County Fire District Commission.
Witherbee will join Commssioners Phil Moller and Russ Jones in the position recently vacated by Tom Peters.
The selection decision was sent to the County Commissioners after the two current fire commissioners deadlocked in their respective choices. Commissioner Russ Jones had favored Nan Bolomey, while Commissioner Phil Moller supported Jay Witherbee.
A call to Commissioner Phil Moller has yet to be returned, however, Commissioner Russ Jones told LakeChelanNow that “we will make it work.” Jones further indicated “I’m glad the process is over, as there is alot of work to be done.”
Here is a related story previously published by