Over 40 boats expected to race in Western Divisional Championships
by Dennis Rahm
Fans of inboard boat racing will be rooting for Mother Nature to keep away the rain for this weekends 6th Annual Manson Hydrofest. As of Wednesday, just over 40 boats in 14 different classifications had registered for the race which this year will serve as the Western Divisional Championships. The event is also the last race of the season in Region 10 where crews can earn points towards a National High Points Championship.
The weekend weather forecast is calling for rain and cool temperatures. Co-Race Director John Walcker says unless it gets windy, the rain will have no impact on the ability of the boats to race on Saturday and Sunday. Walcker says the usual variety of flat bottom and limited hydroplanes will be racing, including about 14 boats of various sizes in the popular vintage classification.
Hydrofest is sponsored by the Manson Chamber of Commerce in conjunction with the Seattle Inboard Racing Association.
Manson Chamber President Jeff Conwell tells LakeChelanNow that the fun begins Friday evening at the Winegirl Wines kickoff party starting at 4:30 p.m. The opening event to the weekend will include live music, a chance to visit with race drivers and crew members and a display of boats in downtown Manson.
This is a points race….we expect a big, big turnout! — Jeff Conwell
Racing on Saturday and Sunday is scheduled to start at about 11 a.m., however actual start times are subject to change.
The races are free to the spectating public and are held at Manson Bay Park.
Access to the pits is available with the purchase of a $10 pit pass.