Comments sought between now and May 11
letter submitted by Brad Wilson, Superintendent
The Lake Chelan School District is currently working diligently to gather input regarding our facilities needs as part of an in depth planning process that includes a study and survey of all our school facilities by ALSC Architects of Spokane and numerous other strategies.
Most importantly, we want to hear from our students, staff, families, and community members that fund our schools via tax dollars about what they see as priorities.
An exciting new tool we have to do this with is a Thought Exchange. By taking part in this thought exchange, you will be able to not only share your thoughts in an open ended format but will also be able to see and rate the thoughts of others. All of this is done in an anonymous fashion using the Thought Exchange tool.
I urge you to use this discussion link to take part in our exchange between now and May 11th! There is also a link available on our website.
Feel free to come back multiple times to see what your fellow stakeholders are saying and share additional input by rating their thoughts. We appreciate your voice in our process!
As always, please do not hesitate to reach out to myself or our central office should you have any questions.
With gratitude, Brad Wilson Superintendent

Established in 1892, Lake Chelan School District serves nearly 1,275 students with 97 percent of its students graduating in 4 years, according to data provided by OSPI. The district’s headquarters is located at 309 E Johnson Ave, Chelan, WA 98816. Telephone: (509) 682-3515, please follow on Facebook, Instagram, or view the LCSD website at: