Schedule for the week of February 27, 2023

information released

Seasonal road closures remain in effect on Horse Lake and Burch Mountain roads in Wenatchee and Oklahoma Gulch Road near Entiat. The roads are closed every winter via county resolution, re-opening on April 1, to protect wintering mule deer and the primitive roadways. During the winter, the recurring periods of freezing and thawing can damage unpaved portions of county roads.

Maintenance plans may change with weather conditions or equipment difficulties. Visit the Public Works website, where the weekly road maintenance information is regularly updated.

Like “Chelan County Public Works” on Facebook to receive news on emergency road closures.

District 1 (Wenatchee)

The crew will be cutting brush and brooming as well as doing snow and ice control as needed.

District 2 (Cashmere)

The crew will be doing snow and ice control as needed as well as repairing potholes and brooming. Weight restrictions are on county roads in the district. Go to the Traffic Alerts & Restrictions webpage for details.

District 3 (Leavenworth)

The crew will be doing snow and ice control as needed. Weight restrictions are on county roads in the district. Go to the Traffic Alerts & Restrictions webpage for details.

District 4 (Entiat)

The crew will be clearing a recent rockslide in the Ardenvoir area, repairing guardrail and completing spring cleanup work, such as brooming and brushing. Weight restrictions are on county roads in the district. Go to the Traffic Alerts & Restrictions webpage for details.

District 5 (Chelan)

The crew will be booming on all routes and brushing and patching potholes across the district. The crew also will be doing snow and ice control as needed and monitoring roads for snowmelt runoff issues. Weight restrictions are on county roads in the district. Go to the Traffic Alerts & Restrictions webpage for details.