Emergency Operation Center in Effect

Information released by Chelan County Sheriff

In response to the state and local declarations involving the COVID-19 virus, effective March 18, 2020, the Chelan County Sheriff’s Office public reception areas will be closed, and non-commissioned staff reduced, in order to do our part in reducing the spread of the virus and limit the possibility of exposure to Sheriff’s Office support staff.

Chelan County Emergency Management has enacted the Emergency Operation Center and we are currently staffing this operation with non-essential support staff, which has an effect on our daily operations.


To report a crime call RiverCom dispatch, for emergencies, 9-1-1, for non-emergencies, the 24-hour non-emergency number: 509-663-9911.

If you are registering as a sex offender, or need to exchange your transient sex offender logs, call 509-667-6875, during business hours.

Public Disclosure Requests can be submitted by emailing: sheriff.records@co.chelan.wa.us.

All other public in-person services are suspended due to the emergency declarations as we will remain closed to the public for the foreseeable future.  These precautionary measures will be reevaluated in approximately 30 days.

If you need to contact the Sheriff’s Office directly, please call 509-667-6875 and for the Chelan substation 682-2588 during normal business hours of 9AM-5PM.

Thank you for your patience during this unprecedented and challenging time.