Former Restaurant Reduced to Rubble Today – An Update on the Story Published on Friday, March 23

Photos and Information Compiled by LakeChelanNow Staff

The building at 114 North Emerson in downtown Chelan was reduced to rubble today as part of the long range expansion/remodel plans by North Cascades Bank.

Over the past decades, the building has housed a variety of restaurants including The Crockery, LaLaguna, Cantina, Chelanigans, and most recently Outlaw Barbeque & Steakhouse

Demolition Paves the Way for New Banking Facilities – Published 3/23/18

Information Submitted by North Cascades Bank

Preparations are underway for building demolition in downtown Chelan.

The building adjacent to Chelan’s North Cascades Bank branch is scheduled for demolition early next week.

The bank owns the building and property located on Emerson Street that most recently housed the Outlaw BBQ Restaurant, which closed for business at the end of February. The building has been completely vacated and a crew began removal of roofing material this week.

Starting Sunday, March 25th, cones will be placed around the building to prevent cars from parking near it, and safety fencing will be installed. Demolition is planned to begin early in the morning on Monday, March 26th. Once the building is removed, the space will be cleaned up and temporarily used for parking. The bank will eventually use the footprint of that building to accommodate its future plans to remodel or build a new building for the bank and its administrative offices.

During the demolition, customers of North Cascades Bank will still be able to access the bank via the entrance on Emerson Street, but are encouraged to use the main entrance on Johnson Avenue. The drive-up window is another option for banking convenience. The alleyway and bank drive-thru will remain accessible from Sanders Street during demolition.

At this point, a construction or remodel project is imminent, but North Cascades Bank is only in preliminary discussions on the specific scope and plan. Bank management have indicated excitement about the prospect of creating an updated space for their customers and employees that is more relevant to today’s needs and expectations. They look forward to working with the mayor, city planner, and the Historic Downtown Association on their plans.

If you have any questions about the project, you are encouraged to contact Charlie Guildner, President and CEO, or Kyla Allen, Director of Retail Banking and Marketing, at 682-4502 or 1-800-603-9342.