Chelan PUD is working through billing issues

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Billing statements from Chelan PUD may be late this month.

Chelan PUD contracts through a national company to send about 2,000 billing statements a day, electronically and in the mail. As of last week, the vendor has been unable to send billing statements due to a cybersecurity event.

Chelan PUD uploads the customer name, mailing address, services taken, amount owed, due date and Chelan PUD account number to this vendor to facilitate the billing process. Chelan PUD is investigating whether any of that information was compromised. The vendor does not have access to payment method information or other sensitive, personally identifiable information.

“We apologize for the inconvenience,” said Customer Utilities Manager Lindsey Mohns. “Once this is resolved and billing resumes, we will adjust any due dates to correspond with the new billing date. Our priority is to support customers and avoid any unintentional impacts.”

At this time, here’s what customers can expect:

  • Customers can see their current balance, and pay existing bills as normal, whether that’s online, via mail or at one of the payment kiosks and drop boxes in Leavenworth, Chelan or Wenatchee.
  • Customers cannot access previous billing statements, regardless of when they were sent.

For questions related to your account, call Chelan PUD Customer Relations at (509) 661-8002.