A message from Hilary S. Franz, Commissioner of Public Lands

information released

We’re approaching the end of wildfire season here in Washington – but we’re not there yet. After making it successfully through the Labor Day heat, we’re looking forward to lower temperatures and rain in the weeks ahead.

Overall, it has been a successful wildfire season for our state, marked by significant progress in initial attack, wildfire readiness, and forest health restoration.

Under 300,000 acres of land have burned across our state this summer. While that number is higher than the past two seasons, it’s still one of the lowest totals we’ve seen in the past decade – and we didn’t see the kind the devastation we saw last year during the Gray and Oregon Road fires.

I’m incredibly proud of the work DNR crews and our partners have done this year, containing fires and protecting forests, landscapes, and communities across the state. I want to thank every last firefighter, dispatcher, pilot, and first responder for once again putting their lives on the line to protect our state.

Having said that, we still have a bit further to go. Past years have shown us that wildfires are still very capable of causing catastrophes late in the season.

That’s why I’m urging all Washingtonians to continue to be smart, safe, and considerate in September. Don’t be the spark that sets off a crisis. It’s up to all of us to protect our state!

To learn more about how you can be wildfire ready, head to our Wildfire Ready Neighbors website.