Update June 13, 2024: Fire now estimated at 1,468 acres

information released

Firefighting Outlook: The Northwest Complex Incident Management Team 13 assumed command of the fire on Wednesday morning. A branch crew continues to assess and point protect critical values at risk along the Lake Chelan Shoreline based on current and forecasted weather.

Two Divisions will continue to assess direct and indirect fire line control features from Canoe Creek to Meadow Creek in the Lake Chelan-Sawtooth Wilderness Area to limit fire perimeter growth along Lake Chelan.

A second branch crew will begin forming a strategic long-term plan for areas outside of the Lake Chelan-Sawtooth Wilderness Area to the east.

A third division is collecting inventory and assessing historic control lines along the 8200 Road system.

Weather is a factor

Wednesday night, poor overnight RH recovery will support active fire; expect minimal to moderate growth overnight.

Next 24 hours: Sunny dry conditions Thursday will support fire spread up Lake, past Cascade Creek towards Meadow Creek, down Lake by establishing in Rex Creek and uphill towards mid-slope Skookum Puss Mountain. Expect moderate growth.

Next 48 hours: Friday a dry cold front is forecasted to bring gusty northwest winds that will align with Lake winds. The fire will move up Lake into the Meadow Creek drainage. Fire will advance beyond Rex Creek. Additionally, the fire is expected to consume fuels uphill to mid-slope. Expect moderate growth.

Next 72 hours: Saturday temperature and RH will moderate. Moderate growth is expected.

Fuels Involved

Fire is burning actively within the 2001 Rex Creek Fire scar. Sparse timber with moderate amounts of dead and downed and sparse dry grass are maintaining the fire spread. The SW aspect, typical lake winds and steep topography are exasperating the burning conditions on this early season fire. Aerial imagery indicates a rock dominated environment, but actual fuel conditions are supporting fire spread with above conditions.

Historically, fires typically move down Lake Chelan, from shore to ridgeline, aided by typical diurnal and general wind direction. Although the fire has been active up Lake, the expectation of down Lake movement remains the same. In general terms, up Lake is to the northwest, down Lake is to the southeast and uphill to ridgelines is to the northeast. As the fire attains higher elevations, greener fuels may retard fire growth.