Lady Cat gets passengers uplake quickly; allows more time to explore
by Dennis, Loni and Jenna Rahm. Please note: although most pictures depict voluntary mask wearing, this trip took place prior to the State’s mask mandate.
For over a hundred years travelers have taken advantage of the spectacular scenic cruise to and from Stehekin at the head of Lake Chelan. Most passengers, however, are limited to a brief uplake layover, meaning the exploration of Stehekin’s enchanting history and unique personality was restricted primarily to a quick run to Rainbow Falls, and perhaps a brief stop at the bakery.
A new transportation option offered this year by the Lake Chelan Boat Company has changed all that. Now passengers can choose to take the Lady Cat to and from Stehekin which allows for a luxurious six-hour layover in Stehekin.
Stehekin residents Patty and John Wilsey have put together a delightful six hour valley tour to expose travelers to more of what the Stehekin Valley has to offer. Working in partnership with the Boat Company and Stehekin Outfitters, the Stehekin Valley Adventure Tour will pick up passengers at the Landing and shuttle them in air conditioned comfort to many of the highlights upvalley. Personal experiences and historical notes from the guide (daughter Sarah Wilsey) adds to the informational flavor of the trip.
The tour includes opportunities to ride or walk between a variety of attractions including the historic Stehekin School, Rainbow Falls, and Buckner Orchard before heading farther upvalley to a riverside lunch spot with homemade goodness oozing out of every bite. The “end of the road” is the turnaround spot at High Bridge — which offers a dramatic vista of glacier-green waters of the Stehekin River as it tumbles through high cliff walls. The Stehekin Bakery and The Garden were additional stops along the way.
The Lake Chelan Now team was fortunate to be invited on one of the inaugural tours. It did not disappoint!
We tried to condense our six-hour experience into the five-minute LCN slideshow featured below containing pictures, video and interviews. Hopefully it will whet your appetite to book your own Stehekin Adventure. Enjoy!
For more information, contact:
Lake Chelan Boat Company (Lady of the Lake)
Experience Stehekin on a Full-Day Layover!

Inside the Stehekin School House

Meadow of flowers near Buckner Orchard

Rainbow Falls

Stehekin River from High Bridge