Pioneer, Flat, Easy, and Stayman Fires – Virtual Community Briefing Wednesday, August 21 at 5:30 p.m.
information released, photos gallery courtesy of Jenna Rahm
A virtual community briefing on the 4 regional wildfires will be presented on Wednesday, August 21st at 5:30 p.m.
You can view the live virtual community briefing on the Pioneer/Easy Fires Facebook Page at Please submit questions in advance to or via Facebook Messenger.
Stayman Fire Quick Facts

TODAY’S ACTIVITIES: Northwest Complex Incident Management Team 3, which has been managing the Pioneer, Easy, and Flat fires, also assumed command of the Stayman Fire at 7:00 a.m. this morning. The team will be working to keep the fire as small as possible while ensuring firefighter safety and protecting the surrounding communities. Firefighters will continue holding the west and south flanks of the fire within the established dozer and retardant lines. They will also reinforce fireline along the northern edge of the fire below Chelan Butte to protect private properties below.