Enrollment Nearly Triples at Roots Community School
Enrollment has nearly tripled at Roots Community School (RCS) since the new school opened
its doors in 2017. Thirty-five students entered the school year on September 4, 2018 – nearly a
three-fold increase from the twelve students in 2017. “We are excited to welcome so many new
families to the Roots educational community,” says Aura Sanderson, Roots board president.
“We have increased our teaching staff and are well on our way to our goal of 45 students.”
Enrollment has been capped for grades 4 and 5, but the school is still accepting students for
grades K-3. Tuition for the 2018/19 school year is $5,500 and two $2,500 scholarships are
available from a private foundation to supplement tuition.
“The teaching staff is looking forward to building on the successes of our first year.”, reports
Rachel Robison, Director of Education. “We took great strides in establishing our culture and
rhythms last year. This year we will build on this strong foundation.”
The school offers a multi-age and thematically-focused learning environment for students. The
structure allows students to learn at a pace calibrated to individual gifts and temperaments.
“We loved our first year at Roots,” says parent Krista Frahm. “Rachel was able to identify my
son’s learning style and adjust teaching accordingly. He thrived at Roots.”
The multi-age environment also bolsters deeper learning as older students explain concepts to
younger students. This solidifies concepts for the older students and allows them to serve as
role models for younger students. “We call ourselves a community of learners”, says Robison.
“Societies thrive when their members learn together and this habit starts early at Roots.”
Parents interested in learning more about the school, including enrollment and scholarship
opportunities, are encouraged to visit the school website: RootsCommunitySchool.com.
“This all started as just a seed of an idea and a lot of hard work from everyone involved,” says
Board President Sanderson. “We are blessed and amazed to see how far we’ve come.”
For more information visit: RootsCommunitySchool.com.
Or contact:
Rachel Robison; (509) 860-7540; rachelr@rootscommunityschool.com
Aura Sanderson; (509) 860-5589); auraleesanderson@gmail.com