YMCA begins demolition process at PUD’s former Wenatchee Avenue campus
information released
The last PUD crews have moved into the operations buildings at the Service Center at Olds Station. Now, Chelan PUD will pave the way for a new era of public service at the Fifth Street campus.
Commissioners Monday reviewed a site plan centered around a new road that bisects the 7.5 acre Fifth Street property. Electric Avenue will provide centralized, underground utilities that connect six parcels, including the site of the new YMCA. Chelan PUD expects to break ground on the new road and utilities corridor in mid-summer.
“It always was the intent of the commissioners to create a continuation of the downtown business core into the redevelopment of the Fifth Street campus,” said David Lodge, Chelan PUD Redevelopment Project Manager. “Electric Avenue was an early vision put forward by members of the community advisory committee who recommended design concepts to the PUD.”
Located at Fifth Street and Wenatchee Avenue, the 7.5-acre downtown campus will become a multi-use center starting with the addition of the YMCA as the first anchor business. The property sale of 144,000 square feet to the YMCA closed in April. YMCA plans to demolish existing warehouse buildings starting in May. The work will continue through late summer.

“The YMCA is grateful to Chelan PUD for its vision of seeing the YMCA as an anchor business for its redevelopment of the 5th Street campus,” said Dorry Foster, Chief Executive Officer of the Wenatchee Valley YMCA. “We so appreciate our many generous donors who made this land purchase possible. “Although we still need to raise $4.6M to begin construction, it’s important we pause to celebrate this milestone.”
The PUD and community leaders have been working on a plan for the former PUD campus since 2018, when Chelan PUD announced plans to build a new, consolidated campus at Olds Station. In 2019, the PUD held community meetings, where hundreds of comments were gathered on the future of the Fifth Street campus.
Working with a community advisory group and leaders from the City of Wenatchee, Chelan-Douglas Regional Port Authority, Downtown Wenatchee Association and Wenatchee Valley Chamber of Commerce, the PUD developed a vision document for Fifth Street redevelopment.
“The YMCA has been a great organization to work with,” said General Manager Kirk Hudson. “We heard loud and clear that the community wanted a development at this location that would be unique, welcoming and a good thing for our community. The YMCA campus plans fill a major part of that vision that we are excited about.”
The PUD also is in discussion with the Music Theatre of Wenatchee (MTW) for the Fish & Wildlife building to provide more space for their production operations.
For the prime Wenatchee Avenue frontage location, the PUD seeks a partner or partners to complete the redevelopment effort in a way that complements the YMCA, MTW and the community’s desire for a visionary approach to downtown redevelopment.
For more information about the Fifth Street Redevelopment project, visit www.chelanpud.org/learning-center/fifth-street-redevelopment.
In other news, commissioners:
- Approved a $4.7 million capital budget amendment for improvements to Riverfront Park, safety improvements to Apple Capital Loop Trail, a new sport court at Walla Walla Point Park and parking lot repaving. The total project budget is estimated at $11.7 million.
- Heard updated water supply forecasts. The Northwest River Forecast Center forecasts the Columbia River at Grand Coulee Dam will be about 77% of average from January to July, which would tie for the fourth lowest in 62 years for flows past Rocky Reach. The April to July Lake Chelan basin water supply forecast is currently 60% of average.
- Heard an update on the Ravenwing property purchase, which closed May 3 for the purchase price of $5,325,000. The property will continue to be closed to public access as the PUD develops a property management plan.