Update from Friday, August 2
information released
The hot weather increased fire activity on the north side of the Pioneer Fire this afternoon. For the last several days, firefighters have been using scooper planes and helicopters to drop water to try to cool the fire’s edge.
With the increased temperatures, low humidity, unstable atmosphere and steep terrain, the fire has picked up in activity despite these measures. The fire has crossed into the upper part of Hazard and Purple Creek.
Community protection measures have been underway in Stehekin with over 26 miles of fire hoselays and sprinklers placed throughout the community. Sprinklers have been activated around the landing area.
Crews have not implemented any firing operations in the area so far. They remain poised to implement defensive firing operations if needed.
Resources and Contacts:
Public information https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61560760893080
E-mail: 2024.pioneer@firenet.gov
Phone: 509-210-2926 8 a.m.-5 p.m. daily
Inciweb https://inciweb.wildfire.gov/incident-information/wases-pioneer
Washington Smoke Blog https://wasmoke.blogspot.com/