Updates on the Old Bridge Restoration & Traffic Impacts
Information and Photos by LakeChelanNow, HDCA and City of Chelan
This story will be updated as new information and photos become available.
Traffic Alert: The Old Bridge is open to one-way vehicle traffic into town. Pedestrian access will continue to be maintained. Bycyclists are asked to walk their bikes.
Steve and Dennis share some news and a few opinions about the Old Bridge project in Episode #22 of Making Waves. Click on it from the LakeChelanNow home page or listen in to that episode and all previous episodes under the “Listen” tab on the main menu.

Old Bridge Project Update: 9/14/18
Photo from City of Chelan Project Update website
Crews were drilling holes on Thursday so hangers can be installed for the new water main that will go under the bridge.
Old Bridge Construction Update: 9/13/18
The bridge has reopened to vehicles ahead of schedule and it will remain open through the rest of the week.
Next week (September 17 – 21): The bridge will remain open to vehicles in the one-way configuration while the contractor works on the opposite half of the bridge.
September 24 – 28: The bridge is currently planned to be open to vehicles but may have a single day closure on Thursday (9/27). If the work plan changes due to production, this information will be updated accordingly.
Over the next two weeks contractors will begin bridge repair work. Additionally, a barge will be used to install pipe hangers and 16-inch water main pipes under the bridge. No work will be done on the park.
Pedestrian access continues to remain open at all times with bicyclists using the same area to cross. For safety, bicyclists are asked to walk their bikes due to the limited space and compromised condition of the roadway.

Project Update: Friday, 9/7/18
Construction 2-week look ahead schedule
Starting at 7am Monday, September 10, the bridge will be closed to cars and remain closed until 8am Friday, September 14. Pedestrian access will remain open during that time.
This closure is necessary as the crew starts removing the asphalt from the surface of the bridge. The week’s work will also include mobilizing more equipment and materials, surveying, installing water main pipe supports under the bridge, and removing the existing lamp posts.
Similar work will continue the week of September 17, requiring the bridge to again be closed starting at 7am on Monday, and continuing through Friday, September 21, at 8am. Pedestrian access will continue to remain open. Park demolition will begin that week as well.
Project Update: Thursday, 9/6/18
The Old Bridge became one-way into town today. Confused drivers encountered a “Bridge Out” sign when approaching the south-bound intersection at Columbia and Woodin Avenue (next to Campbell’s). Their right turn signals quickly became left turn signals once they realized the new traffic configuration.

Work Begins Today On Old Bridge Restoration and Reconfiguration
Project Update: Tuesday, 9-4-18
Signs went up on Tuesday to discontinue vehicular traffic on 3rd from the bridge to Okanogan Street. That block will become a pedestrian pathway.