Community and family support encouraged him to move forward
by Dennis Rahm
When candidate Mike Cooney was running for Mayor in 2015, he did so with the declaration and understanding he would serve only one term in office. This week however, Cooney indicated he has had a change of heart and that he will be seeking a second term.
In the 2015 election Cooney defeated incumbent Bob Goedde. Fast forward nearly four years and the Mayor enjoys his job so much it has triggered a decision to run for re-election with the full support of his wife and the encouragement of supporters in the community.
The 64-year old Cooney tells Dennis Rahm of LakeChelanNow that he experiences “pure joy” in serving as Mayor.
Dennis Rahm chats with Mayor Cooney
Cooney was raised in Philadelphia before moving with his family to Seattle in his junior year of high school. He graduated from Seattle Prep and later attended Gonzaga University. He worked for 30 years in the family owned Cooney Sales Company, a successful food brokerage firm, before moving to Chelan in the winter of 2005 with his wife Janice. The couple opened the popular local coffee shop The Vogue over Memorial Day weekend that same year.
Candidates can file in person, by mail, and online. Filing week is May 13-17 in Chelan County although forms sent via mail will be accepted beginning April 29.
Statement from Mike Cooney:
Good Morning, I am announcing my intention to run for re-election for the Mayor of Chelan. I am in my final year and have enjoyed the day to day challenge of being the best possible Mayor. For the first three years plus of office, I was steadfast on being a one time Mayor. I have had a few very good community driven opportunities present themselves but in the end felt serving as Mayor, I could accomplish more and on a broader level.
Service is at my core!
Mike Cooney