Results from Thursday, May 2 in a Non-League Match

information submitted; photo by David Olson

Boys win 3-2 in a battle on the tennis courts.

The boys picked up all their wins on the singles end. Cavan Willard, Sota Watanabe, and Jacob England all took home victories for the Trojans. Cavan’s win made him officially undefeated in regular season play.

The boys #1 singles team of Ashton Fretwell and Ben Rasmusson took on the 3rd place state finishers. They lost the first set, won the second set, but ultimately lost in the third.

Finn Smith and Oashan Sanchez put up a fight at 2nd doubles, but ultimately lost to a very talented Omak team.

On the girls side, Olivia Smith fought hard at #1 singles, losing 4-6, 4-6 in a very athletic and tight match. Karly Naranjo and Destiny Lopez grabbed Manson’s only wins of the night.

Undefeated Natelee Reyna and Genna torres had their first loss of the season, gaining extremely valuable experience before going into post-season.

The Trojans went into the last match tied with Omak, with Addie Richmond and Kayden Koth taking the court. They lost the first set in a close 5-7 set, won the second set 6-2, and lost the third set 3-6. The Omak doubles teams were top notch and our doubles girls battled hard against them. Because Omak is not in Manson’s league, the girls will not compete against 1a teams at State, including Omak.

Scoring Report: Boys

  • Cavan Willard def. Mason Stenbarg 6-0, 6-2
  • Sota Watanabe def. Drey Lopez-Humphries 3-6, 6-0, 6-1
  • Jacob England def. Jacob Stenburg 6-2, 6-0
  • Ashton Fretwell/Ben Rasmusson fell to Beau Sackman/Jonathan Kirk 2-6, 6-2, 2-6
  • Oashan Sanchez/Finn Smith fell to Noah Rose/Jonah Rose 1-6, 0-6

Scoring Report: Girls

  • Olivia Smith fell to Kathleen Kirk 4-6, 4-6
  • Karly Naranjo def. Hayden Velasco 6-3, 6-1
  • Destiny Lopez def. Sha’ Lynn Ochoa 6-1, 6-1
  • Paityn Richter/Finley Sackman def. Natalee Reyna/Genna Torres 4-6, 2-6
  • Carly Lassila/Cyelah O’Neil def. Addie Richmond/Kayden Koth 5-7, 6-2, 3-6