School District recognized for improving student outcomes

information released

The Manson School District has been recognized by the Washington School Recognition Program for improving student outcomes, during the 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 school years.

“Schools are recognized for making great strides to improve outcomes for students by closing gaps and showing tremendous growth and achievement,” according to an email shared by the program. “This recognition is overdue, and we are excited to honor our schools for showing excellence in these areas.”

  • Manson Elementary students and staff were recognized for “Growth for one or more student groups” in the 2001-2022 school year.
  • Manson Middle School was recognized for “Closing gaps for English learner progress” in the 2022-2023 school year.
  • Manson High School was recognized for “Closing gaps for the graduation rate by the whole school and growth by one or more student groups” in the 2022-2023 school year.

“Now is the time to celebrate the inspiring work of these incredible schools to support our students,” the message from Executive Director for the State Board of Education Randy Spaulding, WA. Superintendent for Public Instruction Chris Reykdal, Co-Chair, Educational Opportunity Gap Oversight and Accountability Committee Fiasili Savusa, and Representative Lilian Ortiz-Self read.

The program plans to honor each school from their virtual platforms on social media (using the hashtag #WASchoolRecognition), and on the State Board of Education (SBE) website.

Based on the Washington School Improvement Framework, schools are recognized more equitably for closing gaps, growth, and achievement. The framework considers multiple measures, including growth, achievement, and student success indicators like attendance and completion of dual credit coursework. The State Board of Education (SBE), the Educational Opportunity Gap Oversight and Accountability Committee (EOGOAC), and the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) work together to honor the schools that are part of the Washington School Recognition Program (formerly the Washington Achievement Awards).

Find more information about the methodology, definitions of these awards, and the specifics of the recognition for each school on SBE’s methodology webpage.