Tabatha Mires was sworn into office on June 27th

information released

A Message from the School Board Chair, Robin Bloch:

After a thorough search process and interviewing three highly qualified finalists, the Board is excited to have offered the position of Superintendent of Manson School District to Tabatha Mires. She is a highly regarded and highly successful superintendent from our region and we look forward to her joining our team.  She brings great experience, wisdom and compassion and we look forward to our next steps under her leadership. We would like to thank our students, staff, families and community members for their participation in this important process.

A Message from the new Superintendent, Tabatha Mires:

I am excited to join the Manson school team and am truly honored join the Manson community.  As a small-town graduate, myself, I know how special small communities and schools are and will work to preserve the traditions that make Manson a special place for our students while continually working to meet the needs of every student at Manson.

Thank you to the School Board for your thoughtful deliberation and support.  I truly enjoyed meeting the staff, students, and community members of our school during the interview process last week and felt the great pride the entire community feels in our school.  I look forward to working with all stakeholders to continue meeting our mission of “Continuous Student Learning’ in partnership with the incredible team already in place at the district.