Construction begins on Early Childhood Learning Center
information and graphics released by Manson School District
The district is so excited to announce that construction has begun on our Early Childhood Center. It’s been a long time coming, but it’s finally here.
Back in 2019 Manson voters approved a Capital Levy Project to build the center and also revise the bus lanes and parking lot at the elementary school. Construction was set to begin in the summer of 2021. Construction prices forced the district to adjust plans and timelines. The project is set to be complete in August of 2023.
The building will contain three classrooms designed to meet the needs of current early childhood education practices. Moving the early childhood center out of the elementary building will free-up space at the elementary school for creative new programming.
The parking lot/bus lane revision will add 20 parking spaces while doubling the amount of cars in the pick-up and drop-off lanes. The parking/bus lane revision has a completion date of August of 2022.
If you have any questions about the project, please call the district office at 509-687-3140.