Five local organizations recipients of Manson American Legion Charitable Giving 2024
information released by Norm Manly, Post Service Officer
In 1919, The American Legion was founded on four pillars: Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation, National Security, Americanism, and Children & Youth. Each of these pillars encompasses a variety of programs that benefit our nation’s veterans, its service members, their families, the youth of America and our communities.
Manson American Legion, Post 108 recently provided funding to five worthy organizations in the Chelan valley through their giving program. Post 108 Commander, Clyde McCullogh stated, “Taking care of veterans is always number one for the Manson American Legion. We also focus on the youth in our valley through programs like “Girls and Boys State”, which aims to simulate and emulate Washington State government through fun and engaging summer programs. We remain active in our community, helping where we can, which includes our yearly giving program. We are proud to announce the recipients for 2024.”
Congratulations to all recipients and thank you for your work in our community.
Manson American Legion, Post 108, meets the first Monday of each month at 7:00 pm at the Manson Parks building. For more information, contact Norm Manly at 509-293-0225 or
Chelan Quilts of Valor:
Quilts of Valor Foundation began in 2003 because of a dream Catherine Roberts had regarding her son Nat, who was deployed in Iraq. The national organization is located in Winterset Iowa, and since its inception the organization has expanded across our nation. In 2023, Sue Freden, and a group of volunteers from Chelan Undercover Quilt Guild launched Lake Chelan Quilts of Valor. Sue said. “We have awarded 12 Quilts of Valor to local servicemen and servicewomen in the Lake Chelan Valley and surrounding areas.” A Quilt of Valor is a quality, hand-pieced quilt, machine quilted and awarded to a service member or veteran who has been touched by war. The Quilt says unequivocally, “Thank you for your service and sacrifice in serving our nation.”
For more information regarding the Quilts of Valor Foundation, contact Sue Freden, Group Leader at They meet the first Thursday of each month at 6:30 at the Chelan Fire Station.

Chelan Quilts of Valor photo – Katy Jones, American Legion 9th District Commander – Brian Strausbaugh, Post 108 Vice Commander – Gail Shaw, Quilts of Valor – Sue Fredon, Quilts of Valor Group Leader.
Chelan Valley Community Nurse:
The Chelan Valley Community Nurse program provides services free of charge to frail and elderly adults in the Chelan valley who wish to stay in their own homes. The program was founded in 2017 by two local nurses that saw a need and desire to help vulnerable seniors in our valley. Program Manager, Catharine Morehead said, “I have been part of this amazing organization since 2023 and I thank the American Legion for their support. CVCN is entirely free and does not require a doctor’s order or insurance. The program is self-funded and relies on donations from our community.”
To make a donation, visit their website or contact Catharine at 509-678-9059.

Chelan Valley Community Nurse photo – Left to right, Susan Zimmer, Community Nurse – Catharine Morehead, CVCN Program Manager – Dr. Robert Bettis, CVCN Medical Director – Craig Pittson, American Legion – Brian Strasbaugh, American Legion – Marci Hale, CVCN Board President – Jan Splendorio, CVCN Board Treasurer and Pastor Mark Wilton, Board member.
Scouts BSA Chelan Valley Troop 34:
The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law. For over 100 years, Scouts BSA has helped create generations of leaders and outstanding citizens by allowing boys and girls to explore their interests, serve their communities, and discover their talents through youth-led activities like hiking, camping, and volunteering!
For more information about Troop 34, contact Scout Leader, Charlie Garton at 206-707-6529 or charlesgarton07@gmailcom.

Scouts BSA Chelan Valley Troop 34 photo – Katy Jones, American Legion 9th District Commander – Brian Strausbaugh, Post 108 Vice Commander – Eddie Garton, Scout – Ryder Stevens, Scout – Charlie Garton, Scout Leader.
Manson Volunteer Firefighter’s Association:
Manson Volunteer Firefighter’s Association are made up of Volunteer Firefighters of Chelan County Fire District #5. Their ‘Mission’ is strictly for charitable purposes of supporting other charitable organization, including, but not limited to, the Association’s “Season of Hope” program, where they help struggling families with gift certificates for food and groceries during the holiday season. ‘Season of Hope’ is not exclusively a Christmas season give either. This program is a year round program that has helped many individuals and families over the years during their hardest times.
You can make a financial donation by dropping a check at the Manson Fire station or mailing to 250 Manson Blvd – Manson, WA. 98831.

Manson Volunteer Firefighter’s Association photo – Katy Jones, American Legion 9th District Commander – Chris Willoughby, Volunteer Firefighter – Brian Strausbaugh, Post 108 Vice Commander – Doug Pinski, President Firefighters Association.
Tender Loving Care:
Tender Loving Care for Seniors (TLC) is a nonprofit program assisting vulnerable seniors in our community stay in their homes as long as safely possible. Program Manager, Claudia Swenson states, “This is a local program started August 2017, and we have made over 7,000 home visits. TLC offers companionship, by visiting seniors and providing friendship and social contact. Our team makes connections with food resources, transportation, exercise classes and needed additional services. We offer transportation to appointments or social outings, plus support for caregivers, giving them relief and much needed breaks.”
To learn more about TLC or make a donation, contact Sandy Zimchek, at 509-699-9042 or you can mail your gift to PO Box 2852 – Chelan, WA 98816.

Tender Loving Care photo – Doug Marsh, American Legion – Craig Pittson, American Legion – Sandy Zimchek, Program Coordinator – Claudia Swenson, Program Manager.