Time to Celebrate V Prib’s Human Achievement

Information and photo submitted by Brian Giboney, Freelance Contributor & Parachutist

I almost rented a limo to pick up V Prib at the airport because he deserves it, but my biz partner was kind enough to let me borrow his Tesla for this special occasion. V’s goal this year was to earn his pro card and become a professional canopy pilot. (For non-skydivers: “Swooping” is a discipline within skydiving where people put their parachutes into a dive to gain speed and then go across the ground at high speeds & compete in three categories: Speed, Distance, & Accuracy. More info can be found at Florida Canopy Piloting Association).

V started the year off with a solid 2nd place finish in February and then in March the season was shut down due to covid. When things started up again later in the year (with covid restrictions) V got his first win in the Intermediate Division, then a 3rd place and a 4th place finish. He was in a tight battle for the season series and his goal of turning professional. To make his vision a reality he needed a strong final event. He came through in the clutch, won the event, won the season series, and achieved his goal of turning professional.

Now, here is the part that is extremely inspirational. First, his competition is nearly all east coast jumpers and the competitions were all on their east coast turf. So in the middle of this pandemic he had to carefully fly cross country five times to compete on their home turf. Next, they also have access to bigger aircraft and are able to practice much more. Finally, V also lives in the mountains. Four hours of driving just to get to SeaTac Airport & begin the TSA process. Very difficult factors to overcome during this crazy time in history.

What he accomplished this year is truly inspirational. He exemplifies what people can achieve when they really WANT something.

I am happy for Todd and Sonya Higley as well. They own Skydive Chelan and taught V to skydive six years ago. It’s a special moment when one of your students advances to the professional ranks. I have known Todd since 1998 when he first moved to Seattle from Hollister, CA and we worked together at Snohomish Parachute Center. So it was an honor to pick up my long time friend’s protégé at the airport today.

Many people are suffering right now from this pandemic. This is a nerve racking time and a very difficult time to grow as a person. We all gotta be like V and still go get our dreams. We have to keep pursuing our goals and living each day.

Go get it.

Related LCN Story:

7-13-2020: Chelan Skydiver Earns Gold at Multi-Day Competition