Former Chelan Goat is helping raise funds for clean water
by Dennis Rahm. Brooklyn Nets photo
As reported in the Brooklyn Nets “morning dish”, former Chelan Goat and current NBA player Joe Harris has teamed up with former University of Virginia teammates and other NBA players to help raise funds for a clean water project in East Africa.
Earlier this week a former Virginia teammate of Joe’s, Malcolm Brogdon of the Milwaukee Bucks, announced the startup of Hoops2go which has joined forces with the “Waterboys” project started by former UVA and current NFL player Chris Long.
Another former Virginia player and current Atlanta Hawk Justin Anderson is also part of the fund-raising campaign along with Anthony Tolliver of Minnesota and Garrett Temple of Memphis. These five players are teaming up with a goal of raising $45k in November for a drive that has been dubbed “Ballin for Buckets”.
The Harris family is extremely proud of Joe’s willingness to give back. Dad Joe told LakeChelanNow the fund-raising effort is a great example of how the ties and friendships that are forged in college can help benefit others in need.
A team first attitude and sacrifice were concepts that were stressed when Harris played for his Dad at Chelan High School.
In college, Joe played under Tony Bennett at Virginia who is well known for stressing his five pillars of character that include humility, passion, unity, servanthood, and thankfulness.
Harris, one of the top three-point shooters in the NBA, is pledging $200 for each of his made three-pointers in November, up to $5k.
Anyone interested in donating to help in the effort of providing life sustaining well water to communities in East Africa can visit the Joe Harris pledge site online at