Survey Deadline: Noon on Tuesday, March 18
information released
The Imagine Downtown Chelan revitalization project is moving forward, and now it’s time for you to help shape the Design Palette! We want Historic Downtown Chelan to be beautiful and user-friendly and we also want to make sure it’s highly functional for years to come!
Historic Downtown Chelan Association is committed to preservation-based economic development. We value and honor the history, legacy, and culture of downtown Chelan and want to preserve historical buildings and streetscapes, retain the small-town charm, and maintain the look and feel of the historic core while supporting a thriving downtown Chelan economy.
There are very specific guidelines in place for the design process. The design will maintain view corridors to the lake, and help preserve our downtown’s identity, heritage, and sense of place while also making sure it is more attractive, user-friendly, and accessible for years to come.
It’s time for YOUR input into the Design Palette (aka, the look and feel).
While we will not be straying from our Historic Downtown look and feel, we are asking for your input on some palette variations. Please note: you are providing your feedback on the themes and general design elements — not picking the actual benches or surfaces.
After the survey is complete, we will engage with downtown merchants and other key stakeholders, and then provide information about those discussions and the survey results to you as a follow-up.
Click here for survey: Design Palette Survey
The Design Palette will be presented to the Chelan City Council for a final decision sometime in April.