WSDOT crews will repair damaged pavement, fill severe pot holes

information released by WSDOT

Work will begin Monday on the nearly nine miles of damaged pavement that runs over the summit of Stevens Pass.  In early April, a reduced speed zone was put in place on this section of road due to rough conditions and severe pot holes as a precaution until weather allowed for repairs.  It is now warm enough to use a hot mix asphalt treatment for this work.

A crew with the Washington State Department of Transportation will repair the section of pavement from milepost 62 (two and a half miles west of the Stevens Pass Summit) to 71 (near the Stevens Pass Nordic Center).  Work will occur Monday through Thursday from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. starting east of the summit at milepost 71 and work westward. 

Depending on the section of roadway that the crew is working on, traffic control may be flaggers, pilot car, or lane shifts.  Travelers should expect longer travel times and delays up to 20 minutes when flaggers and pilot car are in use.  Current and planned traffic control will be updated on the travel alert page and on Twitter @WSDOT_East. 

This work is dependent on conditions and may be paused for cold weather or rain.   

The work schedule will pause for the week following Memorial Day to accommodate holiday travel and start back up the week of June 7.  The project is expected to be complete June 17.


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