Interim City Administrator likely to be appointed at special session

by Dennis Rahm

The start of the new year has brought with it a significant makeover of Chelan city government. A new mayor and two first-term councilmembers took part Thursday in a brief swearing into office ceremony that also included two returning councilmembers.

Taking the oath of office first was Mayor Bob Goedde who sworn in by Chelan City Clerk Perri Gallucci (photo above). That was followed by a group swearing in of first term council members John Olson and Pete Jamtgaard as well as returning councilmen Ray Dobbs and Servando Robledo (photo below). Watch the LCN Facebook live feed of the ceremony.

The first meeting of the new city council will be a special session scheduled for next Monday, January 6 for the sole purpose of discussing and possibly appointing an interim City Administrator. The city is in the process of recruiting a new City Administrator to replace Mike Jackson who resigned last month. The hiring process likely won’t be completed until sometime this Spring necessitating the need for an interim position. Next Monday’s special session meeting of the city council will start at 4:00 pm in council chambers at 135 East Johnson Avenue.