Department of Natural Resources Announces Changes on DNR-Protected Lands

Due to the continuous dry, hot weather, the Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) announced today more changes in campfire restrictions and industrial fire precaution levels (IFPL) on DNR-protected lands. Beginning July 28, a statewide burn ban was enacted by Commissioner of Public Lands Hilary Franz that remains in effect through Sept. 30.

Effective Friday, August 14, 2020:

  • Campfires in campgrounds are not allowed in Highlands and Methow Fire Danger Rating Areas.
  • IFPL will increase to Level 2 in zone 687.

Fire danger ratings remain the same for the following:

  • Fire danger rating remains extreme in the Lower Basin and Valley Fire Danger Rating Areas.
  • Fire danger rating remains very high in the Chelan, Foothills, Highlands, Lower Yakima, Methow, Upper Basin and Upper Yakima Fire Danger Rating Areas.
  • Fire danger rating remains high in the Kaniksu Fire Danger Rating Area.

IFPL levels will remain the same for the following:

  • IFPL will remain Level 1 in zones 678E, 685 and 688.
  • IFPL will remain Level 2 in zone 675, 678W and 680.
  • IFPL will remain Level 3 in zone 609E, 609W, 678, 684 and 686.

Burn restrictions remain in place for the following:

  • Campfires in campgrounds are not allowed in Foothills, Kaniksu, Lower Basin, Upper Basin and Valley Fire Danger Rating areas.
  • Small debris disposal fires (rule burning) are not allowed in Chelan, Foothills, Highlands, Kaniksu, Lower Basin, Lower Yakima, Methow, Upper Basin, Upper Yakima and Valley Fire Danger Rating Areas.
  • No burning allowed (written burn permits issued by DNR are suspended) in Chelan, Foothills, Highlands, Kaniksu, Lower Basin, Lower Yakima, Methow, Upper Basin, Upper Yakima and Valley Fire Danger Rating Areas.

Campfires may be allowed in designated campgrounds. Always check with local campground hosts before lighting a campfire. Additionally, always make sure campfires are completely out before leaving them unattended – if it’s too hot to touch, it’s too hot to leave. Counties and local jurisdictions may have additional restrictions.

Daily updates on burn restrictions are available at 1-800-323-BURN (2876) or on the burn portal map at and IFPL map at

The IFPL system
Industrial Fire Precaution Levels apply to all industrial operations that might cause a fire on or adjacent to lands protected from fire by DNR (WAC 332-24-301); this applies to logging, industrial and forest landowner operations.

The levels are established for each of the 38 “shutdown zones” in the state on the basis of National Fire Danger Rating System data.

There are four IFPL levels:

  • Level 1 (closed fire season):  fire equipment and a fire watch are required
  • Level 2 (partial hoot owl):  limits certain activities to between 8 p.m. and 1 p.m.; fire equipment and a fire watch are required
  • Level 3 (partial shutdown):  prohibits some activities and limits others to between 8 p.m. and 1 p.m.; fire equipment and a fire watch are required
  • Level 4 (general shutdown):  prohibits all activities

DNR’s wildfire mission

Administered by Commissioner of Public Lands Hilary Franz, DNR is responsible for preventing and fighting wildfires on 13 million acres of private, state and tribal-owned forestlands. DNR is the state’s largest on-call fire department and participates in Washington’s coordinated interagency approach to firefighting.