Long-time board member and community leader will lead the next development and operations phases for the new Lake Chelan Community Center
information released, artist rendering of Community Center
The Seven Acres Foundation Board, which oversees the construction and operation of the new Lake Chelan Community Center, has announced a change in its leadership. Effective immediately, Dr. Ty Witt, a longtime board member and community leader, has been elected as the board’s new president. He succeeds Ben Williams, who has served as the organization’s president since the project’s inception.
Williams said that he decided to step down from his role due to his professional demands, which have exceeded his available time to devote to this project. He said he would remain on the board of directors to maintain the same level of institutional knowledge and insight. He also expressed his confidence in Witt’s leadership and experience, saying that he is well positioned to take on the subsequent phases of this project with a ton of knowledge and wisdom.
“Nothing will change concerning the progress of the project, or our vision or mission…it’s a simple change of leadership. The reason is that my professional workload is too high for sustainable, effective leadership within the organization, and my term will be up next year anyway,” Williams said. “If anything, this is exciting news, not bad news.”

Dr. Ty Witt

Ben Williams
Witt thanked Williams for his invaluable contributions to the project, which included overseeing the relocation, pro forma, financing, groundbreaking, and 100% funding for phase one of the construction. He said he plans to represent the next phases of completion, occupancy, second and third-phase funding, grand opening, and operations. 103 Bighorn Way, Chelan, WA 98816 www.chelancommunity.org @chelancommunity
“Our board’s mission and vision are unchanged. The shift can be explained most easily by term limit parameters in our bylaws. Ben has agreed to stay on the board to aid in the succession/transition,” Witt said. “We are looking to transition from a construction oversight and planning board to a governance and operational board as the building reaches completion and occupancy.”
Witt also praised the board members for their dedication and generosity, saying they are all volunteers who spend significant time, effort, and personal funds to see this project progress. He said he is honored to serve as the new president and looks forward to working with the board, the staff, and the community to ensure the Lake Chelan Community is open to the public as soon as possible.
The Lake Chelan Community Center is a 46,000-square-foot multi-purpose facility that will provide various services and programs for residents and visitors of all ages. The center will include a fitness center, gymnasium, auditorium, conference rooms, computer stations, a youth center, toddlers play area, a coffee shop, a commercial kitchen, a swimming pool, and more. The center is to be operating in 2024.
For more information about the project, please visit https://chelancommunity.org.
About Seven Acres Foundation
The Seven Acres Foundation – a 501c3 nonprofit organization – was founded in 2018 by a group of Chelan area residents committed to meeting community needs in real and tangible ways. The organization is to be a hub that connects people, resources, and activities to enhance the quality of life in the Lake Chelan Valley.
About The Lake Chelan Community Center
The Lake Chelan Community Center will be a safe and accessible space, bringing people of all ages and demographics together to build relationships, promote wellness, and serve our community. Our CORE Values of Connection, Opportunity, Relationships, and Empowerment inspire and drive our work.