Travel Alerts for the week of Oct. 23

information released

Below is a list of scheduled road construction and maintenance projects for Chelan County this week. Please drive carefully and follow all flagger instructions.

Road Alerts

Yaksum Canyon Road: Construction continues on a portion of Yaksum Canyon Road that is failing. Located south of Cashmere, the impacted area of the road is in the 3700 block of Yaksum Canyon Road. The soils below the roadway are oversaturated, causing some movement in the ground and sloughing of the roadway. The area will be rebuilt and a drain will be installed to catch the water.

People living in the area should plan to see an increase in truck traffic as county road crews haul material in and out of the area while the contractor will be working in the construction area. Motorists are asked to avoid the area if they can. Given the narrow work area during construction, flaggers will be directing traffic and at times stopping both directions. Motorists may have to wait up to 20 minutes at times during the work, which is expected to be completed later this month.

Wapato Way: Wapato Way in downtown Manson, from Green Avenue to Pedoi Street, will be closed noon to 10 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 28, for the Haunted Manson Block Party and Auction. Detours are available around the impacted area.

County Road Project

Number 2 Canyon Road Preservation: The project should wrap up by the end of the week. The contractor will be placing crushed rock and completing final details. Public Works encourages recreationists to stay away from the area while crews are working. This project improves the primitive section of Number 2 Canyon Road, between milepost 4.35 and 4.97. Road improvements will include re-establishing the 18- to 20-foot roadway width, smoothing out large ruts, improving drainage and graveling the project area.

Maintenance plans may change with weather conditions or equipment difficulties. Visit the Public Works website, where the weekly road maintenance information is regularly updated.

District 1 (Wenatchee)

Crews also will be grading roads and cleaning drainages.

District 2 (Cashmere)

The crew will be assisting with road repair work on Yaksum Canyon Road. Crews also will be doing winter prep work.

District 3 (Leavenworth)

The crew will be brushing plow routes and hauling sand.

District 4 (Entiat)

The crew will be brushing throughout the district. Motorists should watch for a Chelan PUD crew working in the Ardenvoir area.

District 5 (Chelan)

Crews will be grading primitive roads, hauling sand to its shop and brushing in the Manson area. The crew also will be cleaning behind barriers on South Lakeshore Road. Watch for one-lane, flagger-controlled traffic in the work zone.