Significant road work scheduled in Manson area; anticipate delays
information released
Chumstick Highway Phase V: The road improvement project between Plain and Leavenworth is set to begin on Monday, July 24. A contractor for the county will be working between milepost 5.15 to milepost 6.60 (starting at the end of the previous phase constructed in 2014 and ending just north of the Chumstick Bridge No. 4, or about 7 miles south of Plain).
The county will grind and pave the existing roadway in the project area. The project’s primary purpose is to prevent further deterioration of the existing roadway. As a preservation project, there are no anticipated modifications to the roadway alignment. The road’s existing 11-foot lanes and 2.5-foot shoulders also will be maintained; they will not be widened.
The Chumstick project will take 25 working days. During construction, the road will be at one lane, with flaggers directing traffic. A pilot car also will lead motorists through the work area. Plan for traffic delays of up to 20 minutes, or avoid the area if you can.
Goodwin Road/Sunset Road Improvement Project: Sunset Road (between its intersections with Mill Road) is open to one lane, with flaggers directing traffic. In addition, motorists will encounter one-lane, flagger-controlled traffic at the intersection of Goodwin Road and Sunset Road. Paving is scheduled in the coming weeks; when we have a paving date, we will share it. More information about the project is on the project’s webpage.
Curve Warning Signs Installation: A contractor with the county continues to install the bases for curve warning signs at a variety of locations around the county. The work zone will require one-lane, flagger-controlled traffic as well as a pilot car. Plan for minor traffic delays. The schedule this week, which is dependent on weather and equipment, is the following: West Malaga Road and the Malaga Alcoa Highway Monday through Wednesday and Colockum Road Thursday and Friday. Information about the project, including a map of the impacted areas, is on the project’s webpage.
Significant road work scheduled in Manson area this week. Please anticipate travel delays and follow cautionary recommendations.

Roads scheduled for chip sealing
Road Preservation Update: The Chelan County road crew will be chip sealing in the Manson area beginning on Monday, July 17. Work, which is highly dependent on weather and equipment, is expected to take about two weeks.
A map of the roads scheduled for chip sealing is pictured.
- Please remove all vehicles, RVs, trailers and other items out of the public right-of-way.
- When chip sealing, a roadway is reduced to one lane, with flaggers directing traffic.
- Please plan for minor traffic delays, or to avoid roads scheduled for chip sealing.
- And lower your speeds and obey our flaggers, who are working to get everyone through the work zone safely.
PW Office News
Beginning Aug. 1, Chelan County Public Works will no longer accept payments on permits and fees after 1 p.m. on Fridays. The department will continue to take payment during its regular hours 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Fridays.
People who need to pay for a permit or fee to Public Works can send in a check or visit the office at 316 Washington St., Suite 402, Wenatchee, WA, 98801. Or they can call the office at 509-667-6415 to pay by credit card over the phone. The change in payment processes is a result of staffing schedules on Fridays. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Maintenance plans may change with weather conditions or equipment difficulties. Visit the Public Works website, where the weekly road maintenance information is regularly updated.
District 1 – Wenatchee
The crew will be helping with road preservation efforts in the Manson area.
District 2 – Cashmere
The crew will be helping with road preservation efforts in the Manson area.
District 3 – Leavenworth
The crew will help with chip sealing if needed. The crew continues to clean up debris and clean culverts on White River Road after a recent flash flood there. The crew also will be painting over graffiti on bridges and cleaning the district’s pit in Plain.
District 4 – Entiat
The crew will be helping with road preservation efforts in the Manson area.
District 5 – Chelan
Preservation begins on roads scheduled for chip sealing in the Manson area. Motorists who come upon the crew will find one-lane, flagger-controlled traffic. Plan for minor traffic delays.