This year’s recognition shines a spotlight on MOE’s Step Up Program
information released
The Employees of the Year is a Lake Chelan School district-wide employee recognition program. One certificated staff member and one classified staff member are recognized each school year at an all-staff breakfast at CHS. Staff for Employee of the Year are nominated by fellow district staff employees through a written nomination process.
This year, both honorees are part of a special education program at Morgan Owings Elementary. We asked MOE Principal Erin Morin to share more information about the program.
“Our Step Up Program is a special education program that serves some of our most impacted students who have disabilities who have difficulties accessing general education classrooms for a full day. Students work on a variety of skills from academic support to behavior support such as transitioning from an activity that a student enjoys to an activity that may be more difficult for them like reading or math. Several students in the class utilize speech devices with programs and pictures to help them communicate with their peers, families, and staff.”
“The instructional program was formerly known as our Elementary Life Skills class. Approximately 15 students at MOE receive some sort of instruction from the team either in the Step Up class or in their general education classrooms. The recognition of both Madonna and Caryn was also for the work that they do beyond their own classroom. Both staff members assist with support for students outside of their classroom at recesses and in the lunchroom, as well as within the community through volunteerism and involvement in youth activities in the area. They also often are called upon by their co-workers to consult regarding different strategies to use when teaching that might better reach some learners and have led or helped staff in professional learning.”
Lake Chelan School District is proud to honor these two employees.

Madonna Konshuk-Carlton
Employee of the Year — Certificated
Madonna Konshuk-Carlton is a MOE Step Up Teacher, and is the Certificated Employee of the Year! Madonna’s incredible work is best described by sharing just a few of the accolades that her nominators shared about her work.
She works closely with her student’s families every day, building trust so that they feel supported and encouraged by a teacher they can trust to have their child’s best interest in mind.
She goes above and beyond — winning and keeping trust with the parents and nonverbal students as well as staff. She’s an advocate for the children and their parents, and always there to lend a hand regardless of who you are, special needs or not. Congratulations Madonna!

Caryn Ludwig
Employee of the Year — Classified
Caryn Ludwig is a paraprofessional in the MOE Step Up program, and is a committed, dedicated employee. She works in one of the most difficult positions of the school, supporting our most impacted students, and always does so with professionalism, a smile, and a much-needed sense of humor to work.
Caryn is often the calm in the storm, never letting students’ reactions due to their disabilities get to her personally. Caryn is a leader among her team, working collaboratively with the lead teacher and other staff members on the team.
She brings her Safety and Care training to life with students, knowing how to provide choices to students with firm boundaries that maintain the dignity of the students she is working with.