Did you get a chance to attend any of the meetings with County Commissioners last week?

information released

Commissioners, joined by a variety of department directors, hosted a community meeting in each of their three districts last week. Among all the meetings, we nearly hit 200 people in attendance.

Questions and comments from the community touched on a wide variety of topics. In District 1, residents had questions about roundabouts, accessory dwelling units and a planned pedestrian and bike pathway from Malaga to Wenatchee. In District 2, much of the discussion was about recent cuts to federal grants, services and employees and the county code regarding a proposed structure (the cross) in Leavenworth. And in District 3, wildfires dominated the discussion.

Commissioners now will share how each of their meetings went. We’ll talk about what went well and what we may change in the future. And there may be follow-up to some of the community-led discussions.

Watch for the community meetings to return in September. In the meantime, don’t hesitate to reach out to us! If you have a question or concern, visit the commissioners website for contact information.

Or, if you don’t know what department or elected office is the correct one to address your question, email the public information officer and she will get you to the correct person.

Thank you to everyone who attended! County officials enjoy this time with you because it gives us the opportunity to not only learn what’s on everyone’s minds but also have a community conversation.