Food Drive Held on January 13th but donations needed every day
by Loni Rahm
The Lake Chelan Valley has always been generous. Especially when it comes to feeding families in need.
As winter sets in, the demand put upon the Lake Chelan Food Bank increases dramatically. Seasonal jobs go on hiatus, unemployment increases, and those who rely upon gardens to supplement their nutritional needs have nowhere else to turn.
“In the summer months, we serve about 120-150 families per week,” said Richard Springer, Director of the Lake Chelan Food Bank. By contrast, “during a typical winter week we will see 250-270 families. And the week of Christmas, the Lake Chelan Food Bank served in excess of 350 families!”
While a good source of Food Bank supplies comes through Second Harvest, with support from the Washington State Department of Agriculture and USDA, Springer notes that individuals and businesses throughout the community are and always have been very supportive.
Springer specifically mentioned Safeway, Walmart, Manson Bay Market and Chelan IGA who respond to needs with special orders, honoring coupons in large quantities, donating surplus stock and recently, even matching an anonymous $1,000 donation to the Food Bank with the like amount of fresh meat just in time for Christmas.
I mentioned the upcoming food drive on Saturday (see more information below) and asked Richard what the Food Bank’s current biggest needs would be.
The answer surprised me: Peanut Butter, Jelly/Jam and Cereal. Apparently, there continues to be a great demand and a decrease in donations in these child-friendly staples.
But the greatest ongoing need is always cash donations. “With cash, we can purchase items to fill in where supplies are lacking,” stated Springer. If you want to donate cash from the warmth and comfort of your home, there is a link on their website to a secure paypal account or you can drop off a tax-deductible check.
Prefer to donate non-perishable food items? The Lake Chelan Food Bank food distribution center operates a donation drive-thru on Tuesdays and Saturdays, 9-10 a.m., at 417 S. Bradley Street in Chelan. There are also food bank collection points around the community, and open-air food pantries at the United Methodist Church on Johnson and one outside the Food Bank on Bradley Street. You can call the LCFB at 509-368-4151 for more information.
This weekend, it’s even easier to donate during the Thrive Chelan Valley and Chelan Pride food drive. Let’s keep those cupboards filled and our community fed.
On January 13th, during Chelan Winterfest, Chelan Pride and Thrive Chelan Valley are partnering to sponsor a food drive for the Lake Chelan Food Bank.
A food bin to accept non-perishable food donations will be located in front of the Lake Chelan United Methodist Church at 206 North Emerson Street where Thrive Chelan Valley is located.
Another collection bin will be located at the Chelan Pride Booth downtown. Checks made out to the Chelan Food Bank will also be accepted and a QR Code will be available to donate directly.