Harvest and packing to begin this week
by Dennis Rahm
Spring frost, cooler than usual weather and other factors are contributing to a forecast of a smaller than normal cherry harvest. Jim Colbert, Senior Management spokesman and COVID Response Team Leader at Chelan Fruit, said the cherry crop statewide is exected to be down as much as 30 percent from last year. In terms of Northcentral Washington, Colbert said the region mirrors the state forecast fairly closely.
Chelan Fruit operates two cherry packing lines at their Beebe plant with a third line available at their Brewster plant if needed. The cherry grower base of the fruit cooperative extends from the Columbia Basin to the Canadian border and is comprised of 12 varieties of red cherries.
Colbert notes that COVID-19 requirements have had a significant impact on how the fruit cooperative now operates. Once the pandemic was identified, and prior to May 31st of this year, Chelan Fruit implemented a number of changes including reducing the number of workers on the lines to enhance social distancing, the installation of 150 free-standing barriers (see pictured below) and ramping up cleaning and sanitization procedures. The company also created more spacing in their lunch and break room areas, provided masks for the workers and increased safety training.
Since the outbreak of the virus, there have been 18 COVID positive cases at Chelan Fruit and none since May 8th.
Said Colbert, “the mitigation efforts are paying off and we will continue the efforts. We were able to react quickly to make the workers safe and allow operations to continue”.
Additional measures have been mandated that will now require temperature checking for those working in the packing sheds as well as the temporary farm workers in the fields. Employees will also be required to fill out a short medical questionnaire.