Chelan Valley Housing Trust Invites You to Help Solve the Housing Crisis

information released

Chelan Valley Housing Trust (CVHT) is hosting a Town Hall to discuss Valley-wide Housing Solutions on Tuesday, September 12th at 5pm in the Manson Grange located at 157 E Wapato Way, Manson. The goal of this event is to bring real results to the lives of many that have been affected by the housing crisis.

“We need to come together to share ideas and establish a comprehensive plan for taking on the challenges in the current housing market.” says Scott Meyers, Executive Director of CVHT.

CVHT has recruited local housing providers, government officials, and private housing providers to talk about their solutions now and in the future and how the community can help take action.

“Supporting affordable housing means investing in our community’s well-being”, says Elaine Cooper, Administrator of the trust.

All Manson and Chelan community members are encouraged to attend. Snacks and beverages will be provided. CVHT requests a solutions-based respectful discussion by speakers and attendees.

For more information or to donate visit