PUD Commissioners Bolz and Smith sworn into office

Information and photo submitted by Chelan County PUD

2019 will be another busy year for Chelan County PUD, commissioners agreed Monday as they reviewed the District’s performance plan outlining more than 70 initiatives under seven strategic objectives.

From writing a new strategic plan for 2020-2024 to continuing to pay down debt and investing in the District’s physical assets and people, the 2019 performance plan is based on creating the best value for the most people for the longest period of time.

Repairs and rehab of units at Rocky Reach and in the first powerhouse at Rock Island Dam continue along with planning to modernize the 40-year-old horizontal units in the second powerhouse at Rock Island.

A decision on whether to build a new service center also is expected. A new customer information and billing system is scheduled for 2019.

Expansion of the PUD’s world-class fiber network continues with plans to reach 1,033 more locations this year.

“It will be challenging,” said General Manager Steve Wright. “Each item is individually identified to create clarity and accountability for highest priority actions,” Wright said.

Commissioners thanked staff for committing to the plan, recognizing that the items listed go beyond the daily work of running the PUD.

“I have a great deal of respect for everyone in this room, your staff and the work you do,” said board President Garry Arseneault.

“I see people here who like a challenge and rise to the challenge,” said Commissioner Ann Congdon. “It’s the old adage, ‘If you want something done, give it to a busy person.’ “

Commissioners started the new year with applause for re-elected board members Dennis Bolz and Randy Smith as they took the oath of office.

Bolz is starting his fourth, four-year term representing at-large District B. He lives in Wenatchee. Smith, from Cashmere, moves into his third, six-year term representing District. 2.

A forecast for electric load growth of 3.5 percent  this year is one of many drivers of the work called for in this year’s performance plan, specifically substation planning and construction. In 10 years, the PUD’s electric load now of about 200 megawatts is forecast to increase by 48 megawatts.

In other business, commissioners:

  • Were updated on plans for Customer Relations staff training on Jan. 21, Martin Luther King Day. PUD offices are open, but lobbies and customer operations will close so employees all can attend the first training on the new Customer Information System set to go live in late summer/early fall.
  • Heard that Chelan PUD Sunday sent two crews, flaggers and equipment to help Puget Sound Energy (PSE) restore power to customers left without service after last weekend’s windstorm in King and Pierce counties. Crews and equipment also helped Snohomish PUD and PSE restore service following a December storm, returning home on Christmas Eve. (02:30)
  • Set a special meeting at 9 a.m. on Jan. 21, before the regular board meeting, for orientation on the BoardEffect paperless boardroom system.


Caption: Commissioner Dennis Bolz, center, is joined by his granddaughter Sophie, as he and Commissioner Randy Smith take the oath of office.

 The next regular PUD commission meeting is at 10 a.m. on Monday, Jan. 21, in the boardroom at 327 N. Wenatchee Ave.

 Chelan PUD records most commission meetings, and a link to the audio is available on the PUD’s home page at www.chelanpud.org. Find us at Facebook.com/ChelanPUD and follow us on Twitter @ChelanPUD.

 Here for you, providing the best for the most for the longest – chelanpud.org