Road Closures and Evacuation Notices have been lifted
by LakeChelanNow
Fire Update: 9:30 a.m., 7/31/2018
Fire Officials report the Chelan Hills (Acres) Fire, located just south of the Beebe Bridge, has been held to 1,842 acres and is now at 97% containment. Firefighters continue to work on fire activities, with 244 personnel assigned to the fire. Two primary residences, one seasonal home and several outbuildings were confirmed as damaged. Some corn and approximately 80 acres of wheat fields were also damaged.
The temporary flight restriction has been lifted. There are no road closures or evacuation notices in effect at this time. Please continue to exercise caution in the area as conditions can change rapidly. Yield to any emergency vehicles you may encounter.
Fire Update: 11:00 a.m., 7/30/2018
Fire Officials report the Chelan Hills (Acres) Fire, located just south of the Beebe Bridge, is at 87% containment. The fire started on Friday and grew to over 1,800 acres but no new growth reported. Interagency personnel and air support provided aggressive initial attack.
Currently 259 personnel from BLM, DNR, and Douglas County Fire Districts 1, 4 & 5 are working to monitor the perimeter, improve containment lines, and address internal burning.
Road closures and evacuation notices have been lifted. Hwy. 97 is now open in both directions.
Fire Update: 8:00 a.m., 7/29/2018
The Chelan Hills Fire has burned 1,842 acres and is currently 40% contained. There are 130 personnel working on the fire. Air resources are being used as needed. Boaters are asked to remain clear of the area near Beebe Bridge on the Columbia River, which continues to be used for planes and helicopters dipping for water.
Last night, Highway 97 returned to alternating, one-lane traffic with a DOT lead car. McNeil Canyon reopened last night.
Fire Update: 8:30 a.m., 7/28/2018
Due to firefighter efforts and rain overnight, the fire has slowed. It is currently over 1,500 acres. Evacuations from yesterday remain in place.
US97 was open to one lane of traffic overnight. Trooper Brian Moore with the Washington State Patrol District 6 reported that a full reopening of highway 97 between Orondo and Beebe Bridge is anticipated some time after 9 a.m. this morning. The fire is currently moving away from the roadway. McNeil Canyon will remain closed.
The Columbia River will remain closed to boat traffic in the area near Beebe Bridge to allow air support unimpeded access to the river.
Fire Update: 9:30 p.m., 7/27/2018
The evening featured an aerial attack on the fire, which is now burning approximately 1,000 acres. Crews are preparing now to transition to a holding pattern overnight. US97 was closed in both directions for most of the day, but is expected to reopen tonight.
Evacuation notices were provided in the following areas:
- Level 3 – Immediate area around Chelan Hills Acres
- Level 2 – McNeil Canyon
- Level 1 – Beebe Park, north of Beebe Bridge, and Lone Pine area

Fire Update: 4:30 p.m., Friday, 7/27/18
Submitted by Fire Protection Bureau Emergency Operations Center
State fire assistance has been mobilized under the Washington State Fire Services Resource Mobilization Plan in support of local firefighters working to contain the Chelan Hills Fire, located in Douglas County, near the town of Orondo. Washington State Patrol Chief John Batiste authorized the mobilization of state firefighting resources on July 27, 2018, at 3:15 pm at the request of Chief Jim Oatey, Douglas County Fire District 4.
The Chelan Hills Fire started on July 27, 2018, at 1:19 pm and is burning in grass and sagebrush. This fire is estimated at 300-400 acres and growing. It is threatening homes, orchards, and powerlines. Level 2 and 3 evacuations are in effect at this time. The fire cause is under investigation.
Mobilization specialists from the Fire Protection Bureau have ordered 4 wildland strike teams. The fire will be managed by a Type 3 Incident Command Team.
The State Emergency Operations Center at Camp Murray is activated to Level 2 to coordinate state assistance for the Chelan Hills Fire. State Fire Marshal’s Office personnel are en route to the scene to coordinate dispatch of resources.
Under the State Fire Services Resource Mobilization Plan, the Fire Protection Bureau coordinates the initial dispatch and continued administrative oversight of resources and personnel for the duration of the incident. The Mobilization Plan is implemented to provide a process to quickly notify, assemble and deploy fire service personnel, equipment and other resources from around the state when fires, disasters or other events exceed the capacity of local jurisdictions. More information about the Washington State Fire Services Resource Mobilization Plan is available at:
Fire Update: 4:30 p.m., Friday, 7/27/18
The Chelan Hills Fire has increased to 400 acres, and officials report that structure(s) have been lost. Firefighters are battling wildland and structure fire behavior. Air support is in place.
Fire Update: 3:20 p.m., Friday, 7/27/18
McNeil Canyon has been closed to traffic because of the fire located south of Beebe Bridge on the Douglas County side of the River. Please avoid the area and use 97-A for travel between Chelan and Wenatchee.
Fire Update, 2:45 p.m., Friday, 7/27/18
The official name of the fire burning just south of Beebe Bridge along Hwy 97 has been named the “Chelan Hills Fire”. Please be advised there is a Chelan Hills Road in Douglas County that is serving as the identifier for this fire event. There is NO fire in Chelan Hills Development on Lake Chelan’s North Shore.
According to Chelan Fire and Rescue, the initial level 3 evacuation notices were centered in the Chelan Hills Acres area, but are being extended as the fire moves. Deputies are on the scene and alerting residents house to house. If you live in the immediate area and have not yet been notified with Level 3 (get out now), start preparations to evacuate at a moments notice.
Original Report, 1:15 p.m., Friday, 7/27/18
A brush fire was reported at about 1 p.m. south of Beebe Bridge along Highway 97. Level 3 evacuations (go now!) have been issued for homes in the area.
Highway 97 is closed in both directions between Beebe Bridge and Orondo. Drivers are encouraged to use alternative routes. There is a second fire on the plateau near Mansfield, so officials recommend that drivers use Highway 97A to avoid potential detours and road closures in the Mansfield area.

Images submitted by Jennifer Grohe Steiner

We will update this story as more information is available.