The City has launched a website for the project to help keep the community informed
Submitted by the City of Chelan
Construction of the Woodin Avenue Bridge Project is planned to begin on September 4. There will be a winter shut down from approximately Thanksgiving until March, when the project will then resume. Everything is expected to be completed in May 2019.
The Woodin Avenue Bridge Project wraps together many efforts, including bridge restoration, safety improvements, and utility upgrades to accommodate future needs. It’s also designed to make the area more inviting, widening 1,900 feet of sidewalks, adding 1,200 feet of new bike lanes, enhancing streetscapes, and adding the new Woodin Avenue Landing Park.

Rendering of Woodin Avenue Bridge Project
“Approaching all these improvements as a single, coordinated project creates efficiencies and limits the disruption to residents, businesses, and visitors alike,” shares Chelan Mayor Mike Cooney.
For more than a decade the City Council has been looking at how to best address the deficiencies of the Woodin Avenue Bridge. The council found widening the bridge to be cost-prohibitive and after careful consideration, selected a one-way bridge configuration.
As part of the one-way bridge reconfiguration, there also will be changes to the intersections and roadways at both ends of the bridge. One of these is Third Street from W. Okanogan Avenue to Woodin Avenue, which will be open to pedestrian traffic but permanently closed to vehicle traffic.
The City of Chelan has launched a website – – to help keep the community informed about construction activity related to this significant downtown effort. On the website, people can also sign up to receive project email updates.
For additional details and project drawings, visit the website.

Rendering of the Woodin Avenue Landing