Congratuations to Max Nimz and Lizbeth Sanchez Gauna
Information and photos submitted by Chelan Schools
The Performing and Visual Arts Departments at Chelan High School are proud to honor a student each month with the “CHS Accomplished Artists Award.”
Company Creek Pizza has provided a gift certificate for the winner each month and the awards will be posted at the entrance to Chelan HS and at Company Creek Pizza to share with our community.
The art departments have also added a Chelan Middle School Artist of the Month Award to further recognize high achieving students that are up and coming.

Max Nimz is a junior in the Chelan High School and Jazz Band. He began playing flute in the Morgan Owings Elementary 5th Grade Band.
Since those beginning days, Max has contributed to the school music programs through playing everything from bass guitar to accordion in every musical group the school has to offer. He has achieved a high level of performance on the flute and competes in the region and state for honor band groups.
Max has auditioned and been accepted to the Western International Band Clinic as a freshman, sophomore and junior. He performed at Sarge Huber Honor Bands and at the Regional Solo & Ensemble Festival in Wenatchee. He has taken private lessons with Beth Jensen on flute and is a motivated musician who strikes for the best he can be every day.

Lizbeth earned the Artist of the Month Award for her excellent work and attention to detail, as seen in her tessellation piece.
She is thoughtful about the artistic process, eager to learn, and consistently produces high-quality works.
Congratulations to Lizbeth from CMS. Great Job!