Snow and ice control, pothole patching gets underway

information released

THIS WEEK: Crews will be doing snow and ice control as needed. If you come upon a county snowplow, give them room to work and never pass a snowplow.

POTHOLE SEASON COMES EARLY: It appears our mild winter has brought us an early gift –pothole season!

That’s right, potholes, which we typically tend to in March or April, are popping up early. Crews have been hand patching throughout the districts. The transition from winter to spring, a time that brings precipitation and lingering cold temperatures, oftentimes is when potholes become most noticeable on local roads.

To learn how a pothole forms (we’ll give you a hint – H2O), read an oldie-but-a-goodie on the Public Works blog.

If you spot a pothole on a county roadway, you can send a service request to us and we’ll get it to the correct road district.

BE IN THE SNOW: It’s only January. It could still snow. Just in case, make sure you know what priority snowplow route you live on or use. We’ve got maps for download and a GIS tool to locate your road on our Road Maintenance webpage. Brush up on our Snow Removal Policies, which cover such topics as shoveling snow into the roadway (don’t do it!), keeping kids safe from plows and those pesky snow wrinkles a plow may leave behind. And learn about snowplow etiquette should you be driving and come upon one of our county plows.