Community invited to hear updates and presentations from Manson agencies and organizations

information released, Manson Chamber photo

The Manson Community Council will be hosting a “Manson Community Forum” to be held on Tuesday, June 18, 2024 at the Manson Grange (upstairs).

The forum will begin at 6.00 p.m. with Chris Willoughby, Manson Community Council Vice Chair, moderating the forum. The forum will be two hours with and introduction, then moving directly into presentations by three 30 minute blocks of Manson community agencies/organizations.

Presenting will be Manson Parks & Recreation District, Manson Chamber of Commerce and Chelan County Fire District 5 (Manson Fire Department). All will be talking about items that will affect the community through projects, improvements, and planning. Chelan County Fire District 5 will also address the upcoming levy that will be found on the August 6th Ballots.

  • The order of presenters will be Manson Parks & Recreation Department with updates on waterfront projects, Leffler Field planning/projects, and other available information.
  • Second will be Manson Chamber of Commerce to discuss what is happening in Manson as well as project plans for the downtown corridor.
  • Finally, Chelan County Fire District 5 (Manson Fire Department) will discuss the upcoming levy and current project plans.

Each presentation session will be 30 minutes with presentations taking between 15 and 20 minutes to allow for a question and answer portion for the remaining time. After all presentations are complete, the public may be asked to take part in a survey presented by each agency/organization, with a period for further open discussion.

This is the first in a proposed series of Community Forums allowing a ‘one-stop shop’ for community information to be given out to the community members, who may not have time to attend multiple meetings to gather this information. There will be a lot of good and important information for the community presented at this event. We hope to see many community members at the forum.