A Message from the Washington State Fire Marshal’s Office

information released

Children may be fascinated with fire. They may not understand the dangers associated with open flames. Matches and lighters pose a significant risk when in the hands of young people who do not understand that fire can quickly grow out of control causing injuries and deaths.

The State Fire Marshal’s Office offers the following safety tips to keep your family safe:

  • Keep matches and lighters out of the reach of children, preferably in a locked cabinet.
  • Keep heat sources away from things that can burn and keep children a safe distance way.
  • Purchase and use only child-resistant lighters.
  • Lighters that look like toys, referred to as novelty lighters, can confuse children and cause fires, injuries, and death. Keep these items out of children’s hands and consider not purchasing them.
  • Teach young children to never touch matches or lighters.
  • Talk with children about what their friends or other children are doing with fire.
  • Give praise for showing respect and age-appropriate responsible behavior toward fire.
  • Ensure your home has working smoke alarms.
  • Develop and practice a home escape plan.
  • Teach your children how to call the fire department in case an emergency occurs.

For more information, contact the State Fire Marshal’s Office at 360-596-3929.