Grant will be used to assess and analyze student learning spaces
information released
The Lake Chelan School District has secured a total of $23,659 in grants via the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction to assess school facilities for natural hazard readiness and to complete a study and survey of all facilities. The study and survey will be completed by ALSC Architects out of Spokane and include a detailed analysis of building conditions, mechanical systems and roofs, classroom spaces, and extracurricular facilities.
“As our facilities are used day and night 7 days a week by not only our students for learning but also by our extracurricular activities and community user groups, having a detailed knowledge of what our immediate and long-term facility needs are is paramount. We work extremely hard to care for our facilities that our tax payers have provided us, but also realize they are aging as each of our main school buildings is over 30 years old,” said Superintendent Brad Wilson.
As part of the study and survey process, there will also eventually be opportunities for students, staff, parents, and community members to provide input on what they see as priorities moving forward.
The Lake Chelan School District is proud of its educational programs, extra-curricular programs, and partnerships with many community organizations. All require modern facilities that meet the needs of users. The Lake Chelan School District Board of Directors looks forward to collaboratively developing a plan that ensures we meet those needs for years to come.
About the LCSD: Established in 1892, Lake Chelan School District serves nearly 1,275 students with 97 percent of its students graduating in 4 years, according to data provided by OSPI. The district’s headquarters is located at 309 E Johnson Ave, Chelan, WA 98816. Telephone: (509) 682-3515, please follow on Facebook, Instagram, or view the LCSD website at: