Lake Chelan Arts Council Applications are now open
information released
The Lake Chelan Arts Council (LCAC) is pleased to announce that two $1,000.00 Visual Arts Scholarships will be awarded to qualified graduating seniors in the Lake Chelan Valley. Students must have a minimum GPA of 2.5, have clear intention of continuing their education in a visual arts program, and have applied to an accredited school of higher education.
Visual arts for this scholarship are defined as painting (various media), drawing, design (a new addition this year, which could include product design, lighting, fashion design, architecture, interior design, etc.), sculpture, mixed media, photography, fiber art, and graphic art (including digital).
To qualify, applications must be postmarked by May 6, 2022, and include the following: a sealed transcript, two letters of recommendation, two written essays, and a portfolio of artwork. Applicants should refer to the application for specific requirements. Applications will be made available in the guidance departments of high schools within Chelan Valley, and can also be downloaded from the LCAC website:
They should be mailed to:
Lake Chelan Arts Council, PO Box 627, Chelan WA 98816
Attention: Scholarship Committee
The Lake Chelan Arts Council is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization of volunteers, founded in 1985 to promote, fund and support the visual and performing arts in the Lake Chelan Valley. The LCAC works with the City of Chelan, the Lake Chelan Chamber of Commerce, and other local organizations to accomplish this mission.