One of the unique ways the community can celebrate

by Team LCN, photo from 2019

We have all given up many traditional celebrations this year…but thanks to the HDCA, Chelan and Manson Chambers of Commerce, and Lake Chelan Wine Alliance, there will be some opportunities to create new holiday traditions.

The collaborative entities suggest that everyone around the lake turn off all your holiday and interior/exterior lights in advance of the 5:30 p.m. “Light up the Lake” event on Friday, 11/27. From that darkness, light will emerge simultaneously which will be captured by drone footage. Tune into KOZI radio for the countdown and at the exact moment — the entire valley will light up in celebration.

The Light up the Valley is the kickoff to a month long celebration which includes weekend fireworks, neighborhood Santa sleigh parades, wine barrel train rides (with masks and distancing), holiday music, lighted boat parades and lights….lots of lights.

For additional information, visit the HDCA website.

Watch for event updates on Lake Chelan Now.