Today is the launch of #only7seconds

by Loni Rahm

Kristen Wall knows the pain of isolation. When her son was bedridden for several weeks, she was saddened that his friends didn’t reach out to help keep him connected. He became withdrawn and depressed. She became angry.

She saw how dangerous isolation can be. A dark place which often leads to depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts. And then she became focused on a simple solution. Only 7-seconds. She came to the realization that’s about how long it takes to send a message to someone who might be alone or discouraged.

People spend hours every day scrolling through images and messages on their phones. “Stop the scroll,” she says. “Take just 7-seconds and reach out to a friend who may need to hear from you.”

May 7 is the official launch of  #only7seconds. A day that Wall hopes will help spread awareness about this movement. Learn more on the 7-second facebook page:

Watch for an in-depth interview with Kristen Wall on

Kristen Wall (center above) holds “7-second retreats” at her home in Pateros which attracts people from across the country. Attendees return home determined to help spread the word about the importance of “looking up and reaching out”.