Annual Contribution Helps Fund Water Quality Testing
Campbell’s Resort’s second annual $1,000 donation will help the Lake Chelan Research Institute (LCRI) fulfill their mission to establish long-term trends in water quality of Lake Chelan.
According to Clint Campbell, this is a valuable business and personal investment. “Preserving Lake Chelan’s water quality, now and for future generations, is all of our responsibility. We can’t think of a more worthy cause to support than the Lake Chelan Research Institute in their efforts to protect our most valuable resource — Lake Chelan,” says Campbell.

Dr. Long demonstrates the multiparameter probe that collects data every 15 minutes on temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, blue green algae and chlorophyll at Sunset Marina. Here Eric Campbell observes the measurements being taken adjacent to Campbell’s resort.
Since its formation in 2016, the LCRI has established monthly sampling at three sites on the lake and collects data every 15 minutes at Sunset Marina, reports Director Phil Long. The LCRI also works with Manson and Chelan students to measure water clarity of the lake thanks to lake access provided by the Chelan County Sheriff’s Department Marine Patrol.
LCRI receives financial support from the City of Chelan, Chelan County Natural Resources Department, the Department of Ecology, the Lake Chelan Reclamation District, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, the Cascadia Conservation District, the State Parks Clean Boating Program, and the Chelan County PUD.”
Because of their support, we’ve been able to initiate long-term monitoring for Lake Chelan, something that has been lacking in the past,” says Long. “We’re reminded that protecting the water quality of Lake Chelan has been identified as a community priority via the City of Chelan Comprehensive Plan and the Chelan Valley visioning process. Our mission of consistent water quality monitoring is the starting point.”
In addition to the government agencies noted above, part of the Lake Chelan Research Institute’s funding comes from local businesses and individuals in the community including Campbell’s Resort and Sunset Marina. Businesses and individuals alike can help that effort by supporting LCRI with checks or online donations specifically earmarked for “Lake Chelan Water Quality”.
For additional information, please contact Phil Long at 509-531-2987 or email him at
About the Lake Chelan Recreation Development Foundation and the Lake Chelan Research Institute:
The mission of the Lake Chelan Recreation Development Foundation is:
To facilitate funding, design and construction of various recreational projects in the Lake Chelan Valley to enhance the quality of life for residents and visitors.
LCRDF includes a focus on Lake Chelan water quality, providing non-profit 501 (c)(3) status for the Lake Chelan Research Institute. LCRI’s mission is to establish the long-term trends in the water quality of Lake Chelan. Its clear waters are a vital resource to the community and we must understand trends in water quality if we are to preserve the lake’s ultra-low nutrient status.
To accomplish that mission, LCRI goals include collecting key water quality data regularly, exploring Lake Chelan and its watershed, and creating information that is actionable for lake management through databases and models of the lake. LCRI has the potential for a significant positive economic impact to the Chelan Valley and the region.
The Port of Chelan County is providing funding to help LCRI achieve its potential for growth through strategic planning that is now under way. The LCRDF has focus areas on trails via the Lake Chelan Trails Alliance, long-range community planning now underway by the Trust for Public Lands, a recreation and community center. Also, the LCRDF makes their non-profit status available to worthy causes that are consistent with LCRDF’s mission. LCRDF supports creation of space for “Just Make Stuff” in the Chelan Valley and recently successfully collaborated with the Nordic Club on fundraising for a badly needed new grooming snowmobile.