Bring a Racket and Lots of Energy

By Loni Rahm – from information submitted by CHS Coach Rothlisberger

There’s been a lot of buzz surrounding Chelan High School’s Tennis Program this year. And justifiably so.

The CHS Lady Goats have been a dominating force the entire season – taking the league championship, the district championship and the academic championship. They hope to continue their winning ways this Friday/Saturday to the State Tournament in Yakima.

Although they are only sending one gentleman to State, Coach Rothlisberger indicated the entire boys team has battled hard and shown remarkable growth throughout the season. He has “lots of firepower” returning next year as well.

Coach Rothlisberger has been in awe of the training, practice and work ethic of his teams this year. He is excited to start the process in building potential tennis team members from interested middle schoolers during a FREE Tennis Mini-Camp held at the CHS Tennis Courts over three afternoons in early June.

From 3:30 – 5 p.m. on June 5, 6, & 7, middle school age students can learn the fundamentals of tennis or improve upon their current skills with guidance from the CHS Coaches and the award-winning athletic and academic boys and girls high school team players.

Anyone is welcome to attend. All you need is a tennis racket, athletic clothing, a water bottle and energy. And perhaps a friend or two that you talked into coming with you.

Registration/medical release forms for this free mini-camp are available at the High School and Middle School or email Marty Rothlisberger at for additional information.